Questions & Answers

How do I activate the headphones in Universal Controls on my 1818vsl version ?

+1 vote
asked May 19, 2017 in AudioBox USB by brunoferoldi (290 points)
For some reason the headphones are disabled by default in the new version of universal control, As it does not come with the included software I do not know where I can activate them and send the same signal that goes to the master to work silently with my 1818vsl

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 19, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,190 points)
Best answer
Headphone Outs are hardwire to Outputs 7 / 8. If you set your main audio output for (Windows Default Playback or in OS X Audio MIDI Setup), then headphones will be heard.

To setup headphones in your DAW, you setup a Cue Mix, here is how to do it in Studio One.

If you're not using Studio One, look up in your DAW documentation on how to setup a Cue Mix.