Questions & Answers

closed [Completed 3.2] Will there ever be a Smart Tool like in Pro Tools, in Studio One?

+43 votes
asked Oct 14, 2015 in Completed Feature Requests by taoroot (240 points)
closed Jun 26, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Currently, that is probably the only thing that's keeping me from completely change to Studio One. I don't know about other people and their workflow, but for me it's much faster and easier to use Smart Tool since I do a lot of audio editing;)

Thanks for the answer;)
closed with the note: Smart range tool delivered in Studio One 3.2

10 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 26, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Best answer
This was completed in Studio One 3.2 with the delivery of the Smart Range Tool.
+7 votes
answered Oct 15, 2015 by DominicB (17,160 points)

The multi tool in Studio One is actually quite capable of performing many editing functions with just the selection of the "Arrow Tool" in the toolbar. The tool's function will change depending on it's relation and context within an "Event." Take a look at the images below. The blue highlighted area tells you the placement of the "Arrow Tool" and describes what editing function you can perform there. The tool will also change it's tool shape and orientation according to where it is placed. 


You can grab and move events by clicking and dragging within the "Grab Tool" highlighted area. 


You can perform various types of event trimming by placing your "Arrow Tool" within the highlighted areas here. Trimming In or Out requires placing the "Arrow Tool" at the edge of an "Event." Also, placing your "Arrow Tool" between two events that could overlap, will give you the ability to perform a "rolling trim edit". 


It is easy to create "Fade Ins" and "Fade Outs" simply by clicking and dragging the handles in the top corners of an audio event. A secondary handle appears on the fade which will allow you to adjust the fade's curve. (Logarithmic or Exponential). 

The handle at the top of an audio event will allow you to adjust the event volume level. 


After creating a crossfade between to audio events, you can adjust the range at which the crossfade occurs by clicking and dragging within the highlighted area pictured below. 


There are other options available for editing using keyboard modifiers. Please refer to the Studio One reference manual for more information. 

+2 votes
answered Nov 29, 2015 by chancekaye (3,340 points)
edited Nov 30, 2015 by chancekaye

It's MIDI editing that lacks a true smart tool in S1. The arrow tool enables move/length/select and the paint tool enables create/delete. But the smart tool in other DAW's enables all of those functions as well as velocity, all w/ no modifier keys. This allows for super fast MIDI editing. 

+2 votes
answered Dec 2, 2015 by davlet (5,360 points)
Smart Tool like in Pro Tools would be a killer feature in Studio One! That's what I personally lack when editing in S1. Smart tool makes editing so fast!
0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2015 by Scoox (17,310 points)

There was a great discussion going on the forum:

Smart tool - what exactly would you wish for?

And here's one of the pictures posted there:


0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2015 by Zirrex (9,870 points)
Sonar X*, Sonar Platinum have nice Smart Tool too...
Customize option for Smar Tool great but this function must be after "Personal User Persets for progam option" (like in new Cubase 8.5).
0 votes
answered Feb 26, 2016 by Funkybot (21,640 points)

So 3.2 introduced a Smarter Tool for audio, but I still think there's more love that's needed on the PRV side. 

For the PRV, I'm imagining:

1. Single click a note to select it (no change)
2. Single click and drag to select one or more notes (no change)
3. Single click to draw a note (if there is no note already in the area being clicked, if a note is clicked, see #1)
4. Alt+Click and drag to paint a series of notes
5. Ctrl+Click on a note to split it at that location
6. Double click to delete a note
7. Shift+Click to select non-consecutive notes
8. Shift+Click and Drag to select non-consecutive ranges
9. Click and drag the edge of a note or range to the right or left to change the start or end position (i.e. change note start or note length)
10. Click and drag a note (or selection) up or down to change the pitch of that note(s)

That covers 95% of my PRV use cases in a single Smarter PRV tool, similar to what they did for audio.

0 votes
answered Feb 26, 2016 by chancekaye (3,340 points)
edited Feb 27, 2016 by chancekaye
OK cool on the smart audio tool in 3.2, but we still need a smart MIDI tool.

What would be best would be a CUSTOMIZED smart users could map the functions most essential to them to the simplest gestures. That would enable blazing fast workflow w/o having to reach for lots of keyboard modifiers all the time.
0 votes
answered Feb 27, 2016 by samirelborno (8,440 points)
The tool handling in S1 gets better with every update.


Please consider to add the zoom tool feature to the instrument editor as well!
0 votes
answered Feb 28, 2016 by Funkybot (21,640 points)
Since we're labelling this one as completed, I've created a separate FR for a Smarter Tool for MIDI editing in the PRV here: