Questions & Answers

Making optional the "preserve chords" feature.

+13 votes
asked Jun 19, 2017 in Notion iOS Feature Requests by enrico4 (260 points)
With latest version of Notion for iPad, when chords are entered using piano pad, last chord is preserved when next button is pressed: would it be possibile to add an option so this feature can be enabled / disabled according to user preference?

Thank you


5 Answers

+3 votes
answered Jun 21, 2017 by nikolaybogdanov (510 points)
selected Jun 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
Hello, I have the same issue and I contacted the developers, that answered very promptly.

They advised my to check here and it case to make a feature request.

I also proposed the same solution i.e. making it optional.

Meantime a temporarily solution can be implemented: pressing on the chord mode button on the left, in order to make the cursor advance. In this way it will behave as it was in the previous version, it will deselect the chord end it will be easier to proceed in the creation of the scores.

Thank you

0 votes
answered Oct 19, 2017 by nathanpeachey (160 points)
Thank you for this. I had a message stating that there were a lot of requests to preserve the chord and I could not find a single one in the Notion Feature Requests. Thanks to nikolaybogdanov's temporary solution, imputing my music should take me significantly less time.
0 votes
answered May 18, 2018 by richardwright (230 points)
Or making it optional and on/off on the chord diagram (eg. red or both chords lit, if on, grey or once chord lit if not) so you can see what mode you're in
0 votes
answered Sep 24, 2019 by katebohonos (220 points)
Yes. This drives me nuts. Other than that love Notion, but this is a big problem. It's making me look for different notation options.
0 votes
answered Nov 9, 2022 by amerondiet (140 points)

In any case, I appreciate you taking the time to do this. When I looked through the Notion Feature Requests, I didn't see anyone asking to keep the chord intact, despite the notification I received to that effect. There should be a considerable time savings as a result of nikolaybogdanov's interim solution when it comes to inputing my music. basketball stars
