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closed Will there be Integration for Komplete Kontrol Mk2?

+922 votes
asked Sep 21, 2017 in Completed Feature Requests by brandonlihou (1,420 points)
closed Mar 3, 2023 by arndkaiser
Is there going to be integration for NI Komplete Kontrol Mk2 Keyboards? I am starting to think after 2 years of request for the MK1 keyboards Presonus did not do anything of NI Users. Starting to question my DAW at this point.......
closed with the note: Implemented in Studio One 4.5.3

89 Answers

+341 votes
answered Sep 24, 2017 by Skip Jones (166,990 points)
selected Apr 30, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+154 votes
answered Oct 25, 2017 by maximusrapido (540 points)
Hello Presonus,

I was considering switching from Logic to Studio One Pro after using the Artist version that came with my Faderport 8 and liking it. But this will not happen. I now got a new Komplete Kontrol S49 MK2 and the integration with Logic (and Live) is just too good to pass. So this is to let you know that this missing integration is hurting your business.

I don't know if this software developpement only depends on Presonus, on Native Instrument or on both, but I hope you can do something about it !

+87 votes
answered Oct 29, 2017 by babyghost853 (360 points)
I wouldn't hold my breath, like you said, after years of waiting for mk1 support it's unlikely.  Presonus seems to want to focus on their hardware, in an effort to push people to buy their products.  While I understand that from a business perspective, it still sucks as a user.  Hell I would be happy with just a working template, we still don't have one for Maschine mk2 or Komplete Kontrol mk1 after all these years.  I love S1 but at the same time I won't deny that controller support has been lacking since day 1.
+67 votes
answered Nov 25, 2017 by KevinElib (2,030 points)
This is a very interesting topic as I await this intergration step up as well. There’s also issues with the overall music production experience in whole. The drag and drop feature is amazing, the cpu load and what you can do with midi is nice but when will Presonus program their DAW for music composers. The things you can do in CuBase is bananas. Chord mode where new progression chords gives you ideas for yournext move. Reprogramming the midi communication between midi devices is a great start. Logic Pro is still king in programming midi.

I feel Studio One is great for mixing and Mastering but the music production workflow lacks huge. The other guy mentioned the intergration between NI Kontrol MK2 and the DAW. I opened Logic for the first time in a while just to see how this works, and it was plug and play. Didn’t have to set up anything. Then I began to work in Alchemy (synth plugin/ library) which I love. In Studio One we only have Mai Tai which totally glitches from time to time.

Seem like as Studio One becomes the next big growing DAW that people are starting to talk about, it’s getting outdated really fast at the same time. Ableton Live 10 is sweeping the game right now. They came out with a way to playback midi notes anywhere in the playhead and it plays regardless of the start point like you can with a wav file in your session. Also their fx device modules are totally advanced and appropriate for musical inspiration such as changing the tone or how it reacts according to the many features. Why do I have to load third party plugins to be inspired?.

I also do feel slighted because each time I look up, it’s a new hardware release. The fader port has took on two new updates. Studio Live has... I don’t know how many. New speakers for live and studio. The hardware for networking systems in churches and venues are amazing. But what about us music producers who choose studio one as our DAW? Most of the updates I’ve seen over the 3 years that I switched from Logic Pro has been geared towards mix and mastering engineers which is great because I wear that hat as well, but for music production/ film composing I began gaining interest in CuBase, Ableton Live, and Reason. Going back to Logic Pro is even in my thoughts.
+99 votes
answered Jan 5, 2018 by wilberdelorme (360 points)
I vote for NI Komplete Kontrol S series Mk2 support ASAP.  It determines whether I keep this Presonus Device I bought recently or can it for the NI version.  I'm sure they support there own devices.  I like the work flow of the Studio One.  So persons please get this rolling in the right direction..
+57 votes
answered Jan 27, 2018 by meje (680 points)
I am also now considering dropping Studio One 3 for Ableton Live 10 as there does not seem to be any response to even suggest that there  may be future support for Native Instruments keyboards. Its a real shame that I have to do this but the lack of support is begining to make this look like the only option. This must be affecting new music producers who are weighing up the options of which DAW to choose. Just how long should we have to wait to conclude that integration with NI keyboards is not going to happen?
+57 votes
answered Feb 9, 2018 by pbright (1,450 points)
Yep I jumped head first into NI hardware, mk3 and addition to a  Komplete  Kontrol  keyboard ( plan on upgrading that when or if the 88key mk 2 version comes out).  So yea full integration, or I will need to find another daw.   To much money in hardware for my daw to fail to support it fully.  You either are my daw, or choose....   support it ... or not
+42 votes
answered Feb 11, 2018 by ikandakaidavis (1,410 points)
Wow! I thought I was the only one thinking this. Presonus you've been doing awesome for us and some of us are trying to maintain loyalty but we also rely on some things to enhance how we earn from the craft. WorkFlow is EVERYTHING, especially when you have clients. You guys should seal the deal and give us this integration plus an updated Piano Roll and Default Sampler Playback Engine for Drums and Percussion (hint Hint- Use sample One)
–20 votes
answered Feb 17, 2018 by Scoox (17,310 points)
I can't say this is a bad idea, because it's not, but I personally don't use any of Native Instruments proprietary stuff and frankly, even if I did, I feel Studio One is lacking in a number of areas (since waaaay before Komplete Kontrol even existed) that are more important than integration with fancy 3rd-party controllers that may go out of production a few years later just like Kore did.

I encourage Presonus devs to focus on core functionality first and then add the bells and whistles.
+7 votes
answered Feb 18, 2018 by huwcrow (290 points)
What level of integration are people hoping for?

I'm fairly new to all this and have a Maschine Mk3 and Kontrol Mk2 so wondering what level of integration is important?
+35 votes
answered Feb 27, 2018 by neiljordan1 (18,500 points)
edited Mar 12, 2018 by neiljordan1
I'm planning on getting a Kontrol S61 at some point, and knowing it's not fully supported by Studio One is discouraging. Seems there are workarounds to get it synced up, but they are complex and far from ideal.
+40 votes
answered Mar 9, 2018 by benmcclure1 (410 points)
Effortless controller support is one of Studio One's great features for some people. Just because a previous controller from Native Instruments went out of production, doesn't mean that future support for that manufacturer's hardware should be held back. Additionally, this is the second generation of a premium controller line which has now been around for a number of years--it didn't die on the vine and doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon.

Studio One already has a very rich interface for controller support from what I can tell. Out of every DAW I've tried, it's the one that required the least amount of fiddling with any of my other controllers and tends to map things pretty intelligently automatically. Supporting the premium NI controllers would be a big selling point for some people, or on the flip side, the lack of it is likely a deal-breaker for almost anyone who wishes to primarily use an NI controller.

Not only is it preventing people from starting to use Studio One, but in some cases (As can be evidenced in the comments wherever this feature is discussed), it's making people jump ship for competing products.

Even just enhanced (rather than full) KK support, to where the controls all could at least easily be mapped even if not every bell and whistle was hooked up yet, would be sufficient for many needs.
+35 votes
answered Mar 13, 2018 by shanepayne1 (3,770 points)
This Is one of my BIG 3 features to make studio one the ONLY daw I use.

Komplete kontrol (& Possibly maschine) intergration.
Import session Data.
Pst fader send w/ Follow main pan option.
+20 votes
answered Mar 31, 2018 by monoxide works (1,750 points)
Still waiting for that Mk1 support also.
+28 votes
answered May 1, 2018 by andreas_himmes (300 points)
There is still NO! Support for Kontrol MK2 Hardware.....since 6 Month !!!! Reason to change the DAW.

Technical Support Answer was a Youtube-Link „Studio One Integration for MK1“ !!

What the F**K ??? Sorry Presonus....It‘s a NoGo. Support sucks....Updates sucks....

I change my DAW. Bye Bye Presonus.
+30 votes
answered May 1, 2018 by jeremyfaulkner1 (490 points)
I am also getting ready to ditch Studio One because of this issue.
+19 votes
answered May 21, 2018 by HammyHavoc (1,180 points)

Komplete Kontrol MK2's Host Transport Control is still broken even though the product released in October. You might like to Native Instruments what you think about that if you're a user of S1 and the KK MK2:

+33 votes
answered May 24, 2018 by ianstepanov (500 points)

+31 votes
answered May 27, 2018 by tijuanwells (330 points)
I will not be upgrading to Studio 4 until it have full integration I'm thinking about going to Ableton Live, I have a Mk2 and a Maschine Mk3 it just makes sense to go somewhere that gives me more control,
+16 votes
answered May 27, 2018 by oliolivero (340 points)
I am new at this, still researching and not having purchased anything but reference monitors, I had come to the conclusion that Studio One was going to be my DAW, as it was highly recommended to me by a Guitar Center sales guy I always go to, Native Instruments has also become my choice for hardware and instruments, as well as Spitfire Audio.

After doing further research, I saw that Studio One doesn't fully integrate with NI, so I started looking at Cubase. I don't want to have to go the Cubase route, so like I said in my first post to this forum, tell your guy to call their guy and get this in motion... PLEASE!
+24 votes
answered Jun 26, 2018 by deannewton (610 points)

I've recently switched to Presonus from Cubase and bought a new Kontrol S49 without ever imagining there'd be compatibility issues.

I CANNOT believe this is a thing.

I thought I'd found the perfect DAW but this is a serious fly in the ointment, will likely go back if there's no fix to this.


+17 votes
answered Jul 9, 2018 by Coessie (440 points)
No news yet?
+25 votes
answered Jul 17, 2018 by brucelindner (3,450 points)
Hey Presonus... any news?  Will you be integrating MK2?  Timing?  This is one the highest voted "hot questions"!  Is any one at Presonus reading these posts? I've been following this for quite a while... "upvoted" all the related comments... and then nothing from Presonus.  Please provide an official response and show you even care.
+15 votes
answered Jul 19, 2018 by dennisschwachhofer (1,280 points)
I could understand if you don’t want to have any mixing integration for the Komplete Kontrol as you want to sell your fader ports. But could we please have at least the automatic track focus working? Have you ever tried working with a keyboard which controlles a different instrument with the midi knobs than with the keyboard itself? It’s a mess!
+16 votes
answered Jul 24, 2018 by MickMack (1,370 points)
Fact is.
There are currently only NI's with the best control, and many third party vendors supporting their NKS.
The fact is, there are many DAWs, and those who do not participate will have fewer customers.
If Presonus not soon bring a similar product on the market, or rethinking, and is also compatible with NI Kontrol S2, which is a wrong decision.
+11 votes
answered Aug 29, 2018 by fransaerts (580 points)
I had a problem with automapping Plugins on a midi keyboard  Novation  Impulse 49 in Studio One 3 Pro. I could not open my song anymore because Studio One crashed while loading the plugins.  I changed to Native Instruments Komplete MK2 S49 keyboard and it loads my plugins without a problem in Studio One. Please give us urgently full integration of Native instruments in Studio One. Would be very much appreciated.
+19 votes
answered Sep 3, 2018 by michaelprremand (610 points)
I've been a Cubase user for 10+ years,  i almost switched to Studio One, as i really like the workflow.

Then i found out there is not yet support for NI KK, and reading this thread is pretty disappointing, not even an answer from Presonus.

Think i better stay with Cubase or try out Ableton.
+18 votes
answered Sep 3, 2018 by michaelshines (330 points)
Is this not solved in 2018? It looks like ppl have been begging for this since 2016. I'm in demo and I'm really loving SO v4, it is amazing with a great workflow. Sadly, because it doesn't integrate with Komple Kontrol I will have to probably buy Cubase. I don't want to spend money on Cubase, I want Studio One v4, but PreSonsus's ignoring of this question, not even telling us Yes/No/In Works/Here is why not or whatever--- They have lost me as a customer.

I hope you guys with KK eventually get what you need.
+15 votes
answered Sep 6, 2018 by pabloaldunate (1,580 points)
Please come on the NI 88 MKII is coming!!
+23 votes
answered Sep 11, 2018 by cjaykay (350 points)
Hi Presonus team,
I just stepped by because I wanted to say, that I won't buy Studio One 4 unless Native Instrument Komplete Kontrol Hardware isn't fully integrated to your DAW.

I am already owning SO3 Professional, but I am thinking to switch over to another DAW which is actually fully supporting NIs KK-Hardware.

+20 votes
answered Sep 11, 2018 by hoffi.tobi (510 points)
After 4 Years (2009-2013) using Cubase and 5 Years (2013-2018) using S1, I will now think about going back to Cubase, because of NI KK-Support.

If you support NI KK in future, I will buy next S1 version and use S1 again!
+13 votes
answered Oct 3, 2018 by jayjames4 (620 points)
If given it some time,  I love the look of StudioOne 4 and i love learning how to mix in it but my workflow is off because i started production in maschine and now komplete kontrol. No one really addresses any of these comments and i come back often to see in Hope's something changes but i believe I'm limiting myself at this point. I dont like how it looks but I'm guessing Ableton is the next move unfortunately or Cubase from what i see in the comments. Maybe I'll find more use once theres a full compatibility update with NI products.
+23 votes
answered Oct 3, 2018 by christiansieghart (700 points)
Please Presonus, take a phone Call to Berlin, Ni Headquarter switch the codec`s and make it possible :-),  for all

your Customers. to integrade Native Instruments and the NKS Format to your excellent DAW.
+12 votes
answered Oct 12, 2018 by MickMack (1,370 points)
I have Komplete Ultimate and it is logical for me to use it with Kontrol S and NKS. I need a new MIDI keyboard now and it will be a Kontrol S 61. If Studio One 4 does not support this, I will switch the DAW after 5 years, Ultimate is more important for me than any DAW!
+15 votes
answered Oct 12, 2018 by nesbetthaynie (4,120 points)
Please Presonus come on!! Is that hard to give the people what they want.Make Studio one the best daw ever ,this issue here is holding us all back .
+28 votes
answered Oct 15, 2018 by nesbetthaynie (4,120 points)

Please Guys!!! 

+8 votes
answered Oct 20, 2018 by philheisenberg (2,350 points)

Here's a quote from an employee at Native Instruments from the N.I. forum.


We are moving into a planning phase for the next quarter, but it is not currently expected to be a part of the releases in 2018.


+17 votes
answered Oct 30, 2018 by [email protected] (330 points)
The lack of Controller support is a problem. None of the leading midi keyboards are supported: Komplete Kontrol MK2: nope. Novation SL MKIII: nope. Arturia Keylab MK2: I tried it, it didnt work. It did work very well with other hosts, though! The S1 mapping function isn’t the answer: I regularly lose my VST mappings and the behavior is erratic (tested with Akai and Nektar).

What is going on? Why doesn’t Studio One leverage these great new innovations form NI, Akai, Novation? I am seriously considering switching back!
+16 votes
answered Nov 2, 2018 by jamesjohnson61 (340 points)
I just dived into Kontrol and Maschine.  I guess I'll have to find another DAW that provides support for them.  This has been ignored for far too long.
+18 votes
answered Nov 7, 2018 by dusanantonovic (330 points)
PreSonus team,

It's almost 2019 and still no KK Mk2 Integration... come on, this is unacceptable now and it's a huge community problem... please do something in order to keep your customers :)
+9 votes
answered Nov 13, 2018 by izpztddn (1,460 points)
I've just ordered Kompete Kontrol and waiting for starting using it. What functions will be unavailable for me as an S1 user? And is it possible to map them manually? For example, transport buttons, up and down navigation, quantize - these are the most essential controls, and it would be enough for me. Could you share your first-hand experience?
+11 votes
answered Nov 20, 2018 by xyenzfyxion (3,020 points)

PreSonus team, please answer some of the questions in this thread. We are dying to have simple functions added to our workflow in S1. I personally love this DAW. I also love my NI hardware. 

Is there a way for you and NI to make this happen? They are quite silent. But, we are told that it is coming. Is there anything that you can do to speed this up? Native Instruments pushed back our expectations until next year. A d, there are plenty of users who are waiting to find out when it will happen. 

Look anywhere on this forum to learn more about our concerns. Thanks!

+16 votes
answered Nov 20, 2018 by theduke1 (360 points)
I had Studio Artist and I used for a while. It worked fine until I bought the NI MK2 Keyboard last year (on december). I had to switch to Logic Pro and it worked fine as far as I know. I'd like to switch back to Studio One and make the upgrade to the Pro version, but until I don't see any integration between NI and Studio One, I'll go with Logic Pro.
+14 votes
answered Nov 20, 2018 by shanepayne1 (3,770 points)
edited Nov 20, 2018 by shanepayne1
I'm just UPvoting everything and commenting to remind you that WE didn't forget!

Note: I am sure native instruments is a huge factor in the integration.

 However, I am also sure that since they have already intergrated with logic & Live They would be willing to work with Presonus as well.

Also, Considering your own integration with other software such as Melodyne, Console one, softube tape, & Vocalign, I am sure you could take integration even further and add features Such as recording the OUTPUT of the "Smart features" directly into the piano roll for editing with your own midi tools!
+20 votes
answered Nov 24, 2018 by GUNNER1X (360 points)

Like many others here, I have $2000+ invested in NI VST's and NI hardware, etc. and no NI integration is a bummer. Can we please get just a simple yes or no as to whether or not you are working on or plan on integrating Study One 4 with NI? 

Thanks for your consideration,


+9 votes
answered Dec 28, 2018 by sajjaadsaleem (1,410 points)

The absolute nerves of these guys! So you will partner up with other 3rd party software but are intimidated by the standard company for hardware/software integration tool provider? Just like iZotope, Komplete Kontrol isnt going anywhere anytime soon and instead of being inclusive, you guys alienate yourselves from the general population and what your consumers want?? Good job on this screw up Baton Rouge...cause i know the guys in Hamburg are not responsible for this non sense!

+13 votes
answered Jan 4, 2019 by rlared (380 points)
I'd really like to see better integration for my Komplete Kontrol MK2 49 keyboard in Studio One.
+10 votes
answered Jan 10, 2019 by saschasantschi (330 points)
The new Year has start, a lot of new software and Hardware is released. I think it is time for Presonus to give an update to their customers what the status is about integration of the controllers like NI or Akai. So please let us know the developement.
Best regards
+7 votes
answered Jan 12, 2019 by panjin (280 points)
Wow seriously? There must be a conflict with NI for still not having intergrated the keyboards.. Just downloaded the S4 demo and landed here.. can´t believe nothing happened since 2017. I just wanted to leave the Logic world for a better workflow but that´s a bad start.
+2 votes
answered Jan 28, 2019 by erikhusler (4,540 points)
edited Jan 28, 2019 by erikhusler

Hi, don't know if this is of help to anyone while waiting for full NKS support - 

but the S1 transport controls are active on my KK61 mk1. I set the KK61 up 2 ways - both as MIDI keyboard AND Mackie control device:


I had issues uploading the pic, hope you see it - but it's all been said anyway - set it up by its 2 functions, as Controller and asMIDI instr. I'm not using Maschine now but it should work just fine. 

The KK61 "instances"/ functions are both present in my Audio/ MIDI setup document.

Hope it makes someone's day
