Questions & Answers

How to take iPad audio output as Input to Presonus?

+1 vote
asked Nov 23, 2015 in Studio One 2 by sthuthi23 (210 points)
I have an application in the iPad which has drum loops some beats for my song. (I cannot export the beats to mp3 or wav from the app)

But I want that beat to be as my background for my singing. Basically I want to have those beats as input to my Presonus/ StudioOne 2 software in my laptop. Please suggest what cable I need to use to give ipad output as another input to Presonus. This will be very very helpful information.

also, Is there any way I could use the piano applications in the ipad and give it as input to the StudioOne 2 in the laptop?

Please respond asap. Thanks a lot!!

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 23, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
selected Nov 23, 2015 by sthuthi23
Best answer
You would need an audio interface with a minimum of 2 inputs. You would also need a cable adapter to go from 1/8" (3.5mm) stereo, to 2 XLR left/right male.


Another possible option. You say the app won't let you export, which many may not, but the audio is still on the ipad. You may be able to extract the files from the ipad by connecting to the computer via usb. You would most likey have to set the ipad to also be a USB storage device, and you can do that in while connected to the pc, in itunes, in the device properties.
0 votes
answered Nov 23, 2015 by sthuthi23 (210 points)
I would try 2nd option first. Thanks for the answer!