Questions & Answers

Series III Rack Mixer controlled by Windows PC use headphones

0 votes
asked May 9, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by camerontucker (200 points)
edited May 14, 2018 by camerontucker
The StudioLive Series III Rack Mixer is controlled by a Windows PC using wired LAN, plus a USB connection for recording and playback to the Digital Return channel. However, we are unable to listen to audio on the PC itself. The manual doesn't get into this unfortunately and simply recommends plugging headphones into the rack, which won't work since it's on the stage.

We have tried changing the phone cue source and setting the PC to listen to the recording device. Are we on the right track or should I be buying wireless headphones?

We haven't tried doing AVB ethernet to a Mac.

I feel like it should be here, but I don't think it's been updated for the latest firmware, I don't see "Digital In" anywhere:

*** EDIT ***

abrand2 - thanks for confirming these are the right instructions! Playback from the computer to the rack is fine. But we want headphones on the PC to be able to solo.

Where should the headphones be attached? The rack or the PC? If it's the PC, I don't think you'll get any output as you note that step 3 selects the rack as the playback device. If it's the rack, that's fine I just need to confirm there's no way to play audio from the rack on the PC using headphones. Do you have a screenshot of what you mean by "Headphone output"? Do you mean the "Phones Cue Source"?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 19, 2018 by camerontucker (200 points)
Best answer
Ended up plugging the headphones into the rack. Extended them to foh with Ethernet. That means network, usb, and headphones must be run to the rack if you want a fully functioning PC with UC surface and recording.
0 votes
answered May 9, 2018 by abrand2 (32,110 points)

The instructions you were needing to follow is indeed these:

Note that the "Digital Return" must be selected as a source (Step 3 on the PC instructions) and in the headphone output, if you source the "Main," your Digital Return will need to be turned up as depicted here, or no audio will be heard.  Or in the Headphone output, you can select the "Digital" source as the returned output strictly for the headphone as well.
