Questions & Answers

Studio One Installation packets do not install properly

0 votes
asked Feb 8, 2016 in Studio One 1 by julesbayer-crier (210 points)
I've recently downloaded Studio One but cannot seem to download all the installation packets that are on the CD that I got with the USB keyboard I've bought. Whenever I try to install certain packets (namely Synth Session and Studio One Piano) the window becomes unresponsive, and all this means I cannot use my USB keyboard with the Studio One software.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 8, 2016 by benjaminopazo (520 points)
selected Feb 8, 2016 by julesbayer-crier
Best answer
Hi, when I purchased StudioOne had some troubles with the packages downloading and install, and I was trying to do it from the website, in the downloads secction in my account. I tried at least 20 to 30 times from different computers ans internet connections. Finally i got the packages and installed all.

What worked for me was to download and install them from STUDIO ONE, NOT from the website. When you open Studio One, in the welcome page, you have to go to the menĂº bar and look under "Studio One" menĂº, them choose "Studio One installation" (or somethig like that), then you will see a window that displays all the packages you can download and install directly from Studio One.

In that window, you can choose right in te bottom part, "Search available downloads" and you can get the last version of all the content.

I hope this help you, it worked for me. Lets record!!