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Feature Request: Support for 32 bit plugins in 64 bit mode

+20 votes
asked Mar 15, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by Zbest56Dubstep (3,190 points)

Currently I use 32 Lives to "resurrect" my 32 bit plugins for use in 64 bit Studio One. Unfortunetly this only works on AU plugins, making it mac only. This means I cannot switch projects between mac and PC as they all use a fair number of AU plugin instances. I could use jbridge but the problem with that is that performance is appalling which makes it quite unusable. I used to simply just run S1 in 32 bit mode, but that went away real fast when I started hitting my ram limit and having different parts not play back, as well as crashes when adding more content to a project. Bitwig Studio managed to implement support for 32bit plugins in the 64 bit host, and is one of the most stable DAWs out there right now. On their website they state: 

Yes, VST effects and instruments are supported in 32- and 64-bit versions. Bitwig Studio runs VSTs in a separate process. This prevents Bitwig Studio from crashing when a plug-in misbehaves.

I would seriously reccomend similar support within Studio One.

5 Answers

+3 votes
answered Mar 15, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+1 vote
answered Mar 15, 2016 by benreaves (11,480 points)

I, personally, use JBridge to do this on PC. I scan through all my plugins and create *.64 plugins from the 32-bit versions. I have never, ever, ever had stability issues with JBridge. I'm also phasing out the usage of a large amount of 32-bit plugins, as I've found many 64-bit or VST3 plugins do just as good a job, or I didn't really need the plugin in the first place. I used to use a JBridge Superior Drummer, then the 64-bit one became available, and I'm not certain there was any performance increase in shunning JBridge. Currently, only a single instrument I have runs in a JBridge instance, all effects but two run in native 64-bit format. With Logic Pro X only available in 64-bit, I see many developers re-fitting their existing plugins to run on 64-bit native systems, so they remain relevant to a large user base. That has me wonder if an inbuilt bridge is really necessary.

+1 vote
answered Mar 16, 2016 by Awake1994 (2,040 points)
I don't like this "feature" because it's a troublemaker and stresses the program.


0 votes
answered May 7, 2016 by williamswarner1 (1,370 points)
jbridge is a third party plugin available for mac and windows alike it takes those 32 bit plugins and creates a wrapper for them in 64 bit so they work in studio one, follow the instructions as in run everything in admin mode and it should work like a dream, I have had no problems as yet and i have only been trying the test version, i have ordered the full version and am waiting for email delivery then i will not have a time limit on my session and will be able to save using those instruments, i have tested 64 old vst instruments and they all work even the menus its pretty cheap, presonis doesnt support it but it does work you just add a route to the wrapper folder instead of where your 32 bit vst's are located and presto studio one can read the wrapper format and they work...... smiley face :)
–1 vote
answered Aug 31, 2016 by nathanielcarter (160 points)
This needs to be a thing! That or allowing users to have both 32 and 64-bit versions installed! Having to rely on third-party bridging software is a pain, especially when coming from software that already had such capabilities.