Questions & Answers

Is it possible to do a virtual soundcheck through Capture with the RM32AI contolled by a CS18AI?

0 votes
asked Sep 6, 2016 in Capture for StudioLive by DrDanthesoundman (450 points)
I have the RM32AI, Firmware version 9244, and I control it with my CS18AI, firmware version 9203.  They are connected through a Motus AVB switch with the lastest firmware update.  I have a PC running windows 10.  I have the latest version of Capture 2.2.  Capture is finally working fine and I can control it with either the CS18 or my iPad running the latest version of UC.  The issue I am having is doing a Virtual SoundCheck.  I am able to get the file pulled up and playing in Capture but I cannot get the RM32 or CS18 to put out any sound.  The manual says"press the DAW switch on each channel you want to hear".  Clearly that is referencing the 32AI Console mixer.  I have a 24.4.2 mixer and that is how I did virtual sound checks in the past.  The DAW switch on the CS18 only controls StudioOne3 on my computer.  Is there any way to switch all imputs on the RM32 to play back the Virtual sound check from Capture?  Thank you for a response.  Dan

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 7, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
edited Sep 7, 2016 by wahlerstudios

I think you have to use UC Surface: Select a channel, click on "Analog Input" (left up, second line) and then click on "firewire" to select the "input source". In this window you can step through all available channels by clicking on the symbols in the matrice. There is no "switch" for all channels, but the little matrice makes changing input sources easy.

You have set up a firewire connection between RM and your computer? Capture can only record and play back through firewire.

0 votes
answered Sep 7, 2016 by DrDanthesoundman (450 points)
Thanks for the tip.  I do have the computer connected to the RM32 by firewire.  I wonder if Presonus could set up the DAW switch on the CS18 to switch all 32 channels to firewire at once?  That would be slick.  I will give your suggestion a try.
+1 vote
answered Sep 7, 2016 by DrDanthesoundman (450 points)
I actually tried it again today and discovered in UC, either on my computer, connected by firewire, or with my iPad that once I clicked Virtual sound check in Capture, opened a new file and selected the file I wanted to play that all 32 channels on the mixer changed from Analog to Firewire automatically.  If I turned off the Virtual sound check all 32 channels reverted back to Analog input automatically.  I was able to play back the recorded session, change effects, remix etc.  I did not have my CS18AI connected at the time so I am not sure if I could have controlled the setting from there but I could through UC on both my computer and my iPad.   I appreciated the tip that helped my figure this out and I think the other day I was trying to start the playback on the CS18 and I am not sure why it didn't work.    I will be gone on vaca for the next 10 days so I will try that when I get home.  Dan
0 votes
answered Sep 23, 2016 by DrDanthesoundman (450 points)
As it turns out capture actually has a button on the left side of the screen to select digital input for all inputs.  You can toggle back and forth between digital and analog input with that button.  Just beware if you have a channel, eg 32, coming through "Network" you will manually have to restore that Network setting on that channel.  In my example channel 32 is where I have my iPod connected to my CS18 for preshow and break music.