StudioLive AI mixer Firmware Update
NOTE: The Firmware Update process is designed to preserve your mixer's Scene and Fat Channel Preset memory, but as a precaution we always recommend you back up your scenes and presets in the VSL-AI browser before updating firmware. See here for info on how to save your scenes and presets to your computer in VSL-AI:
StudioLive AI Scene and Preset Backup and Transfer
NOTE: If using firmware version 5203 or later, all registered StudioLive AI mixers have the ability to connect to your My.Presonus account and download firmware updates directly over the internet. To check online for new firmware updates, simply connect your registered mixer to a network that has internet access, and then follow the instructions in steps 11 through 13 below, but without the USB thumb drive inserted. When you press Recall when no USB thumb drive is present, the mixer will automatically attempt to connect to PreSonus Update Servers and check for new firmware. If newer firmware is available, it will automatically download and install it with no further action necessary.
For using remote apps on Mac, PC, and iOS devices with the StudioLive AI mixers, please see our Compatible Routers list for more information on wireless routers PreSonus suggests. If you are still running into problems, then we suggest running the Firmware update using the USB method. Certain ISP routers and communication on certain networks can keep this from occurring and Technical Support may not be able to help you with these connections and updates.
It is highly suggested that when doing firmware updates or the Firmware Recovery process through USB flash drives that you complete this process with a Sandisk drive as mentioned on the below knowledge base article. Not all flash drives will be able to complete this process correctly, and the suggested drives have been tested well to complete this process:
SanDisk Cruzer USB Flash Drive Compatibility with StudioLive AI
Video guides are available here
NOTE: Some information on the below videos have recently changed. Please see step by step instructions for further clarification.
Mac Firmware Update:
PC Firmware Update:
***Please review all instructions before updating your mixer.***
1. Download the firmware files for you mixer from your My Presonus account. To find these files, click on the "View More Details" link on your StudioLive registration and click the "Firmware" tab in the details area.
****NOTE: StudioLive AI mixers do not "share" firmware files. The different firmware files are particular to 16.4.2, 24.4.2, and 32.4.2 AI mixer models, exclusively. Loading the wrong firmware can cause the mixer to not function properly or potentially damage the unit.

2. Open your downloads folder and locate the StudioLive firmware folder. The folder will be named with your mixer’s model number and the new firmware version (e.g., SL3242AI_v4733).
3. Depending on your system preferences, the firmware folder may not automatically uncompressed from the .zip file. To expand it, simply double-click it:

4. Open the firmware folder; you will find five files inside. You will need all five files to upgrade your mixer:

- Initvars.scr
- Recovery.scr
- Rootfs.img
- uImage
- upgrade.bin
5. Connect a FAT32-formatted USB thumb drive to your computer.
Power User Tip: Most small USB drives (16 GB or less) should be formatted correctly, but if your mixer does not detect your thumb drive at first, we suggest reformatting it again, even if it's already formatted as Fat32. On Windows, be sure to do a "Full" format as opposed to a "Quick" format. On Macs, the choice will be listed as MS-DOS (Fat)

6. Select all five firmware files and either copy/paste or drag them to the root of your thumb drive. Eject your drive and disconnect it from your computer

7. Power on your StudioLive AI mixer.

8. Remove the Wi-Fi LAN adapter (if connected).

9. Plug in an FAT32-formatted USB thumb drive.

10. It will take approximately five to ten seconds for your mixer to detect your thumb drive. Count to at least five slowly before proceeding to the next step (some drives may take a bit longer)

11. Press the System button

12. Press the Pg Dn button until you reach the last page of the System Menu (Page 9)

13. Press the Recall button

14. You will be instructed that the mixer is reading the firmware update files. Warning: Do not power of the mixer during the update. The update will take up to 30 seconds

15. When the update is complete, you will be prompted to restart the mixer

16. Power down your mixer

17. Remove the thumb drive

18. Insert your USB LAN adapter (if you want to connect wirelessly to your router) and power your mixer back on. Note: Be sure that your speakers are powered off or disconnected, as there will be a small pop when the mixer reboots