Can Digital Return 3/4 on the StudioLive AR8 mixer be recorded using Digital Send 5/6 (or 11/12 on the AR12 or 15/16 on the AR16)? The owner's manual would imply it can:
The Digital Return button routes playback streams 3 and 4 from your audio software to this channel. When engaged, the analog source will be bypassed; however, the signal will still be routed to the digital send so that it can be recorded or processed by a plug-in.
page 9
However, if I'm reading the block diagram in the owner's manual correctly, the Digital Send occurs before the Digital Return making this impossible.
If someone could please clarify if it is possible to record Digital Send 3/4 on Digital Send 5/6 on the StudioLive AR8 and explain how to do it if it is I would appreciate it. I am using Windows 10 and Capture 2 for recording. Thanks.