Questions & Answers

MPK mini playing multiple instruments at once but none are triggered

+1 vote
asked Feb 4, 2018 in Studio One 3 by tylerwhitehead (170 points)
So I have my MPK mini connected to my laptop and set up in studio one. It plays and records just fine most of the time. My problem is when I'm trying to record or play one specific instrument, several of the other instruments I have pulled up will also play. The blue monitor light is off on all the tracks except the one I want to hear but I can still hear impact drums or mai tai keys playing in the background/foreground of the noise I WANT to hear. I think it could be a channel splitting problem maybe? I have tried having only two channels active and splitting between those two or all channels and the problem is the same. Please help, I want to jam asap and this is hindering me a lot.

Lenovo T460s

Windows 10 64


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 25, 2018 by Freddy Mac (140 points)
did you ever figured this out.

I have tried everything and nothing gets it to work.

I think I might just return it, if i can get it to work
0 votes
answered Sep 25, 2018 by tylerwhitehead (170 points)
Freddy, I believe the error exists within Studio One. My mpk mini works fine on other DAWs. I can't for the life of me figure it out so I stick to sound design in other DAWs and mastering/mixing in studio one