Questions & Answers

Does Studio One 3 addons and loops (from the shop) work for Studio One 2 Artist?

0 votes
asked Dec 8, 2015 in Studio One 2 by YourDezzy (150 points)
I'm just curious on how to get more addons and instruments to my Studio One 2. I don't have Studio One 3, do I need to upgrade to be able to use for example loop collections from the presonus shop?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,230 points)
selected Dec 12, 2015 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Thank you for asking this question, we get so many inquiries about this. 

Each Add-On has it's own Studio One version requirement in the shop. See the example below. 

Go to the shop and click on each item you're interested in to find out. 

