Questions & Answers

Invalid Serial

+1 vote
asked Oct 14, 2019 in AudioBox USB by vahittingndnd (170 points)
Dear Support Team,

I am also facing invalid serial issue for my brand new audiobox 96 ultimate bundle.  I have already checked related queries  and see there is no solution to so far. I see some faced exactly the same issue with me and reported the same in just recent days which is something an interesting coincidence or there should be something wrong in the presonus registration platform's back office currently? I I am saying this because I also have the same issue with Eris 3.5 reference monitors in my bundle. It is disappointing to give such a bad start with this brand while it is overrated in many platform and I can't see how registration with unique numbers can be a mass. As a sincere feedback, I wouldn't expect to see customers are being advised to guess if J might be a capital "i" or we should give a try "0" instead "O" and  vice versa :)).

On the other hand I try to create a ticket via my presonus account and nothing happens once I saved it as some other also reported the same. I can't see any open ticket in my account which is waiting to be solved.

Please review this and get back accordingly if possible with a solution in detail explaining how it can be asap.

Thanks in advance.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 14, 2019 by vahittingndnd (170 points)
An update. Just after I texted above, I started to recieve "undefined" error instead "invalid serial. Then it has been registered after a few try. Trying again with exactly the same serial on product might work for the ones who has the same problem.
0 votes
answered Oct 22, 2019 by henrikvindeby (140 points)

I have the exact same problem and also get the "Undefined" message.
And I cant create a support ticket because you need to have the product registeredindecision...nice one!
