Questions & Answers

I can't purchase the upgrade "Studio One 4 Professional Upgrade from Artist".

+7 votes
asked Nov 26, 2019 in Studio One 4 by weskleyraupp (380 points)

I already have Studio One 4 Artist (I got it when I bought my Pressonus StudioLive III) and I'm trying to upgrade "Studio One Artist 3 or 4 to Professional 4 - Quantum Upgrade " , but this message appears:

"Sorry, you don't have the proper prior version registered for this upgrade. Please remove it from your cart to continue."

I also tried the "Studio One 4 Professional from Artist Update" option to test and the same thing happened.

(*My Studio One Artist is already registered on

How can I proceed? Thank you.

10 Answers

+2 votes
answered Nov 27, 2019 by tomchrstek (190 points)
I've got the same problem

I own an Artist 4 version and would love to upgrade to 4 Pro

the same message appears.
+2 votes
answered Nov 27, 2019 by morganmargeot (300 points)
Same for me. I don't want to miss the sales before Dec 1st.

Thank you for your answers
+2 votes
answered Nov 27, 2019 by zeitlupe (810 points)

Same to me! I just wanted to buy the upgrade von S1 Version 4 Artist to Professional:
Sorry, you don't have the proper prior version registered for this upgrade. Please remove it from your cart to continue.

I `ve got S1 Version 3 Professional in my Account! So wants wrong?

0 votes
answered Nov 27, 2019 by zeitlupe (810 points)
Got it working via mobile :-)

Just try it on your mobile...
+2 votes
answered Nov 27, 2019 by ScorchX (180 points)

I'm having the same issue. Unfortunately, trying through mobile didn't work for me. 

I have an older version looks like. If this is because its older that doesn't seem right, it says specifically in the title "all versions" and I'm not seeing any caveats to that on any page. 

Studio One Artist v1.6.5 build 16006

+2 votes
answered Dec 1, 2019 by markstrong (180 points)
Same problem here too, only I purchased my upgrade from Sweetwater, have the product key and everything but it says I need to register and upgrade through the mypresonus page yet when i go to my registered Artist version, there's no "UPGRADE" button where the registration tutorial shows it should be.  So I can't upgrade anything.  I tried through the actual software but it says I need to do it through the website but I have no "UPGRADE" button to click on.  I really hope I'm not out $150!  It says upgrade from ANY ARTIST VERSION.  I even tried through my iPhone but no luck there either.
0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2019 by benjaminbuhler (150 points)
The "Quantum Upgrade" only works if you have a Quantun interface
0 votes
answered Jan 14, 2020 by brandonphart (160 points)
having exactly the same issue trying to upgrade from v3 professional to v4? cant make a support ticket either? losing a bit of faith in presonus right now.
0 votes
answered Mar 5, 2020 by greghusse (140 points)
I was searching for answers to the upgrade problem.  I don't see any, just more problems?  Is it really this complicated?
0 votes
answered Jun 17, 2020 by robleymcdonnell (140 points)
I just figured this out so hopefully it helps other people since answers seem so scarce. If like me you bought your upgrade form a third party, their instructions probably tell you to go enter your code on your my.presonus account but it's wrong. The upgrade happens within the software. When you launch Studio One you can immediately go to the top menu, under studio one there are options for activating licenses etc. and that's where you do the upgrade. Very frustrating to discover but hopefully it helps someone else.