Questions & Answers

How do I set up cross-staff beaming and cross-staff glissando in Notion 5?

0 votes
asked Apr 2, 2015 in Notion by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
How do I set up cross-staff beaming and glissando in Notion 5?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 2, 2015 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)

Step 1:  Create a new score and use an instrument that has a grand staff such as the piano or harp.  Enter your notation into the bass clef.


Step 2:  Enter a group of eighth notes that you would like to have move from the bass clef to the treble clef.


Step 3:  Use your mouse to click and drag to highlight the notes that you would like to move into the treble clef.


Step 4:  Press "Shift x" on your computer keyboard and the highlighted notes will be transferred to the treble clef.


Here are the instructions for creating a glissando moving from the bass clef to the treble clef.

Step 1:  Enter your notation into the bass clef and choose the glissando tool from the palette at the bottom of the screen.  You can click and drag the ending note as far up as you would like and still keep it in the bass clef.   When entering the glissando into your score, be sure to click on the beginning note and then click on the ending note.  



*Once you enter the glissando, it should look like this:


Step 2:  Finally, click and drag to highlight the second note and press "Shift x" on your computer keyboard to move it into the treble clef.



