Questions & Answers

Why do the links for the Fat Channel Add-Ons point to the same win.install file?

0 votes
asked Apr 22, 2020 in Studio One 4 by robertwickerjr (1,070 points)
edited Apr 22, 2020 by robertwickerjr
I had the free Tube P1B compressor and I saw there was this Tube CB compressor and I wanted to check it out. But, the site said I had it registered already. Well, I figured I'd have to do an update to get the upgraded compressor with the pretty red faceplate.

Now, all of my VT1, RC500, P1B components are missing as well as the vintage bundle I just bought. I've tried some things to remedy this to no avail. Has anyone found a real answer to this?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 27, 2020 by robertwickerjr (1,070 points)
After spending the entire weekend pulling my hair out, I discovered the install kills all of the Fat Channel add-ons for my computer. The install which is version 55605 brought them back. Still no RED faceplate but atleast I have all of my Add-ons back.

It seems the April 14 2020 install file they posted was the culprit. Don't update to that version 57677. The version that worked for me, I downloaded in December 2019 but, the filename does not include the -55605. I will try and post the file in the cloud. The system will try to update to the -57677 install update but, DON'T DO IT!

Robert "Candlestick Wick" Wicker