The latency depends on the buffer size you use. I am running Ableton 11. If you have a high end PC, you will be lucky to run a buffer size of 256 with no issues, most people can run between 256-1024. 1ms latency doesn't matter if your computer cannot run it. I will leave my latency figures from ableton in hope that it can help somebody:
(Buffer size 32) - overall latency: 2.72ms, input latency: .91ms, output latency: 1.81ms
(Buffer size 64) - overall latency: 3.45ms, input latency: 1.63ms, output latency: 1.81ms
(Buffer size 128) - overall latency: 6.35ms, input latency: 3.08ms, output latency: 3.27ms
(Buffer size 256) - overall latency: 12.2 ms, input latency: 5.99ms, output latency: 6.17ms
(Buffer size 512)- overall latency: 23.8ms, input latency: 11.8ms, output latency: 12ms
(Buffer size 1024)- overall latency: 47ms, input latency: 23.4ms, output latency: 23.6ms
(Buffer size 2048)- overall latency: 93.4ms, input latency: 46.6ms, output latency: 46.8ms
As you can see, it is possible with this device to get 2.72ms overall latency, but you will need to run extremely low buffer size which will push your computer to its wits end. You will experience audio dropouts, crackles pops, etc. if you use medium strength VSTs on a medium sized project. At an actual workable buffer size, the latency increases dramatically. With the drivers/software errors I have had the device is not really worth it, especially if you are on time limitations. However, I have a support ticket open with Presonus to see if we can get it fixed.