Questions & Answers

Why integrated StudioLive Controls and Hardware Fat Channel doesn't show in StudioOne 5 with my StudioLive Series III ?

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asked Oct 13, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by danielrocchia (120 points)

I really enjoy my StudioLive 32SC, but I am stuck with a big issue : the integrated StudioLive Controls and Hardware Fat Channel doesn't show in StudioOne 5. In my french version of StudioOne the "commande d'interface audio" option is activated but greyed. There is no "link to DSP" option available in the Fat Channel window, nor preamp or 48V control in the mixer channel.

I'm very sad because that feature decided me to buy a StudioLive series III console, and I can't manage to use it.

Please help me

Best Regards


MacPro 5.1, High Sierra, StudioOne 5 Pro, StudioLive 32SC