Questions & Answers

Melodyne 5 Editor Issues in new update Studio One 5.1

+8 votes
asked Oct 27, 2020 in Studio One 5 by andreicolta (910 points) 1 flag

Hi everyone, 

I was wondering if I'm the only one experiencing issues when editing with Melodyne in S1 v5.1, where stuff like Cmd+Z (Undo) doesn't work anymore. To be more clear, when I want to edit a vocal and correct the pitch of a certain word if for instance I don't like what I did and want to go back by pressing Cmd+Z, the command basically is applying that command inside the DAW and not the Melodyne editor. Sometimes when I only do one change in Melodyne and press Cmd+Z. to go back, it completely removes Melodyne from the audio clip, because of course, that was my first edit in the editor and the previous thing I did was to add Melodyne to the clip. Basically, if I edit something and want to undo it I will only be able to do that by going to Melodyne's Menu Edit > Undo. Which is ok, but it used to work perfectly in S1 V5. I still have a version of S1 V4.6 and I don't have these issues there. I also think in this new version Melodyne doesn't really follow the events. 

Let me know

5 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 28, 2020 by alexgraham2 (220 points)
i have the same issue. had to change all my shortcut keys
0 votes
answered Oct 29, 2020 by johnpennington1 (930 points)
Same here Melodyne Editor shortcuts not working since S1 update.
0 votes
answered Oct 30, 2020 by lanschuetz (730 points)
Ditto. Same issue.

On a Mac running Catalina 10.15.7
0 votes
answered Nov 13, 2020 by richardharris2 (170 points)
Same problem here and the new update of Melodyne hasn't corrected the issue. Its really annoying as its creating more mouse clicks than necessary. Hopefully this will be sorted soon.
0 votes
answered Apr 23, 2021 by harrykopy (620 points)

Same issue here, and I'm running S1 ver 4.6...Sent a support ticket to Melodyne and got this reply:

I am guessing, you apply the undo in Studio One and not to Melodyne. In that case, Studio One will, at one point, undo the insertion of Melodyne.

So there you have it...
