Questions & Answers

StudioLive 32S for Production

0 votes
asked Feb 25, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by dragosgrigorescu (170 points)
Dear Sirs,

I have read the specs and reviews for the StudioLive series and I can see it is the ideal equipment for recording in large setups.

I would want to give it a slightly different use and I wonder how appropriate it is for editing, mixdown and mastering (in combination with Studio One of course). The intention is to use it in my own home studio, where I use instruments like electric and acoustic guitars, bass, keyboards, flutes + human voices that I want to record individually, then process as needed. I also intend to use virtual/midi tracks for drums and other synth sounds, with the ultimate goal to create a professional mixdown with a high quality sound.

In these circumstances, it is obvious I will not benefit from the multi track recording features. I would appreciate however if you could explain me in which way StudioLive 32S + Studio One could be a better tool for my project, rather than a computer with a DAW + an audio interface.

Thank you!


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 25, 2021 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)
selected Feb 27, 2021 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
From what you describe the audio interface would be a more feasible solution since your mixdown is done on the computer with the DAW (Studio One) and not actually on the mixer.

In your case, the mixer can be used as a control surface much like the Faderport series.
asked Feb 26, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by dragosgrigorescu (170 points) StudioLive for Production