Questions & Answers

Midi program hange with UC SURFACE

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asked Feb 3, 2022 in StudioLive Series III by patricehuget (120 points)

Our band cannot afford a sound technical ingenior

We would like to use the UC SURFACE and Presonus 32 mixers and would like to use midi program changes for each preset and each song we want to play

For example when using FORSCORE we can change all our instrument presets… and could use this app for changing each mix of each song if we could integrate a program change into the UC SURFACE

For exemple in the UC SURFACE we could create a scene or PRESETS for each song….than via midi recall the scene when using FORSCORE application as we already do with our instrument presets.

Each time we change the song it’s change our instrument presets and also the scene of the mixer via UC SURFACE
