Questions & Answers

Using Console Shaper Mix FX with Studio Live mixer

0 votes
asked Apr 13, 2016 in Ai Mixers by chadalehman (120 points)
Do anyone know if it is possible to use the Console Shaper Mix FX when using a Studio Live mixer?  I have integrated a Studio Live mixer into my studio setup and would love to be able to integrate the Console Shaper while routing the tracks to the Studio Live for mixing.

1 Answer

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answered Apr 20, 2016 by Jon T (6,300 points)
Drop it on the Main fader of Studio One.

Set the main in Studio one to go to the 2 Track L+R on the mixer and set it to firewire on the mixer.

You'll be mixing 'in the box' but it will get you the console shaper the only way possible until it is possible to load channels and plug ins to the outputs of a studiolive.