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More questions on bleeding tracks

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asked Apr 18, 2016 in Studio One 3 by paulwarren3 (140 points)
To the person who tried to respond to my question, thank you. Unfortunately, I didn't give you enough info for you to understand my situation. I am using Studio 1 with a Steinberg U242 interface. I use good over-the-ear headphones in recording. The "bleeding" of tracks is not the kind of inadvertent faint sound of the mic picking up signal from headphones, it is an electronic transfer of signal from one track to the next. The first track is fine--since there are no other tracks in the file. But the second track records the new content along with what is on the first track. The third track appears to pick up what is on the first and second track. The quality of the first track when it is recorded as part of the second track is slightly degraded--or at least, that's what is sounds like. But it's also mono rather than stereo, so that may explain the difference.

1 Answer

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answered Apr 19, 2017 by patrickpatterson1 (960 points)
Did you ever figure it out?  I am where you were.  I know for certain it is possible to overdub without having the other tracks recorded onto the new track,  Absolutly certain.  Just don't know how.