Questions & Answers

How is the RM16AI wireless network to be configured for a hidden network that requires mac address registration?

0 votes
asked Apr 21, 2016 in Ai Mixers by braindump (610 points)
I'm about to purchase an RM16AI, so I've been reading the Owners Manual to get a better understanding of its setup and usage. The process in the section on Wireless Control Setup will not work with my wireless network configuration. My wireless network does not broadcast its SSID, and also requires the Mac Address of each device that uses it to be pre-registered. This poses two questions regarding how to configure the RM16AI to use my network:

1. Where can I find the Mac Address of the device (presumably the Mac Address of the included Wi-Fi LAN adapter)?

2. As the directions in Wireless Control Setup state the wireless network must be picked from a list, and that list would only show those networks that broadcast their SSID, how is a hidden wireless network specified in this setup?

Thanks for the input, can't wait to get my hands on one of these!

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 28, 2016 by braindump (610 points)

I found my answer on the following Presonus Knowledge Base article:

StudioLive RM Mixer - Wired and Wireless Network Setup and Troubleshooting

In order for the mixer to connect to a wireless network, it must be able to see the wireless network. Make sure your router is set to broadcast the wireless network SSID (the wifi network name). If the SSID is hidden, the mixer will not be able to connect to that network, even if it has connected to it previously.

This is quite unfortunate.

As a feature request, might I suggest network configuration capabilities allowing a user to enter the network name for a hidden network, and allowing a device to later reconnect to that network? In today's culture of technical exploitation, prudent security measures dictate hiding the SSID broadcast for wireless networks, especially in public places. A bit more sophistication with regards to this network configuration functionality will be greatly appreciated.

0 votes
answered May 11, 2016 by scnmusic (150 points)
I too am discouraged that a hidden SSID cannot be utilized. It should be rudimentary that the previous network used can be accessed automatically even if hidden.
0 votes
answered May 11, 2016 by braindump (610 points)
@scnmusic, I submitted a feature request here:

Feel free to upvote that request.