Questions & Answers


+12 votes
asked Nov 26, 2022 in Studio One 6 by michellecampion (1,860 points)
At a time when many studios and sound engineers are equipped with Dolby Atmos, it would be welcome on the part of STudio one to upgrade their software. Dolby Atmos is certainly the future, just listen to the productions and mixes made in Dolby Atmos to realize it. I don't want to go back to the competition because I like working in Studio one, but if nothing happens I'm going to end up taking the step. Protools / Logic pro X / Reaper / Nuendo all Dolby Atmos compatible. strongly that STudio one is also you are late.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 26, 2022 by christianmiekus (990 points)

If you're using Studio One on macOS, check this out:

And yes, Dolby Atmos is a must have feature for modern commercial music production, period.

+1 vote
answered Nov 27, 2022 by michellecampion (1,860 points)
Thank you Christianmiekus for your answer.. I know this option, and I already have the configuration as indicated, I have also shared this link several times on the forum, but Dolby atmos directly integrated into studio one would be much more practical, or then offer it as an option for those who want it. I like working in Studio one and I have no desire to change.