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Keyboard shortcuts for previous/next audio output in a player

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asked Jun 21, 2023 in Show Page by juergenboehme (1,430 points)

I have an issue with keyboard shortcuts in show mode in Studio One.

I can select the previous and the next song by shortcuts.
I can select the previous and the next player by shortcuts.
I can also select the previous and the next preset for a player by shortcuts.

But I can’t select the previous or the next output of a player by shortcut.

It would be the same if I had the option to change an output of a console channel by shortcut because this controls also the output of a show player. But I haven’t seen this by now in StudioOne 6.

Is there an option to set a shortcut for changing outputs on a player channel in Show mode?


I have a complex setup where I can route tracks of multitrack playbacks to about 100 different buses depending on the instruments which are used in the playback (bass, drums, voice 1, voice 2, voice 3, guitar 1, guitar 2 and so on). Which instruments are used changes from song to song. Therefore I want to be able to route each player in a show to each of the 100 buses depending on what is needed in a song.

In the end all Voice buses are routed to one stereo Voice audio channel, all guitar buses to one stereo Guitar audio channel and so on.

The buses can be changed with the presets. And this is the only way for me to see on the DAW screen of my StudioLife16 mixer which instrument is currently used on a DAW track. Maybe not neccessary in the studio environment but helpful when used in a stage situation.

The displays over the channel faders on the mixer show always "Player 1", "Player 2" and so on. These names don't change if the song changes. The player name doesn't change if a different preset on the player is selected.

But if I have defined 100 routings for Player 1 and want to copy it there is no option. On player 2 I need to start from scratch, the same for player 3 up to player 14. In total it is a lot of work to program 100 routings for each of the 14 track players. It would result in 1400 configurations to be set up manually.

Unfortunately the output routings and presets are not stored if I duplicate a player. The duplicate is simply fresh and empty ... ;-)

I have found an automation tool which can send shortcuts to programs. Then I would need to program this only once and let it run once per player to have the 100 routings in place everywhere.

Windows Power Automate doesn't help here, and also the StudioOne Makros don't deliver this.

Is there an option to select the output of a track by shortcut?

I hope there is a solution before I'm ready with programming 1400 routings manually ... ;-)

