Questions & Answers

Atom SQ - Custom Pad Colors for 3rd party instruments in Studio One

+4 votes
asked Nov 27, 2023 in Atom Pad Controllers by gianpaolopizziol (2,340 points)
Having the colors fixed to just green and blue isn't intuitive when using any 3rd party VST drum machines like Battery or Speedrum.

At least allow this in user mode.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 28, 2023 by rickpilger (440 points)
been asking for this from the beginning.  do not think it is ever going to happen.  I say the ATOM is dead as far as updates are concerned.
0 votes
answered Mar 4 by richardwhite14 (710 points)
I would like the atom sq pads to map to the colors of the notes in the drum roll/keymap. Perhaps that would also meet this requirement.