Questions & Answers

hi - how do I get access to my installed MPX lexicon reverb within studio 0ne 3.1?

0 votes
asked Sep 6, 2016 in Studio One 3 by mykeljonwinckel (160 points)

I can't see where to import MPX reverb into studio one 3.1

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Sep 7, 2016 by Generic Eric (630 points)
selected Sep 8, 2016 by mykeljonwinckel
Best answer
Hello, I have Lexicon reverb working in Studio One, make sure the default install location is your vstplugin folders, one for 32 bit and the other 64 bit. Add these locations to folders to be scanned for vst plugins in Studio One's options.

Alternatively, add the default install locations (Program Files\Lexicon\MPX Native Reverb and Program Files(X86)\Lexicon\MPX Native Reverb) to the folders to be scanned for vst plugins. Assuming you're using Windows.

Hope this helps.