Questions & Answers

I cant get my Studio pro 3 to recognize my VST/Plugins

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asked Mar 27, 2017 in Studio One 3 by davidbarker2 (140 points)

This question was answered before but I need a more in depth answer. I have Baterr 4, FM8, Massive and VIP as well as several other VST/Plugins. I know someone said make sure they are 64 bit as I am using an hp 64 bit computer and 64 bit version of Studio one pro3 but my VST folders show in the files but they are empty. HELP!!!!!!!laugh

2 Answers

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answered Mar 27, 2017 by gregdenson (7,900 points)

The only question I would have on this, is did you tell S1 where your vst plugins are located on your hard drive?

If they are in multiple locations, you can add them here.

0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2017 by petermaniscalco (150 points)
I was having the same issue with my Brand New Native Instruments Komplete Kontol 11 package I just bough this weekend but it was User Error (ME)...  I ended up finding my Native instruments Komplete Kontrol VST's when I went to the path C:/USERS/ME/PROGRAM FILES/NATIVE INSTRUMENTS/VSTPlugins...

So as Greg Said - open up your Locations under Options Tab and then click add and go to the path in Program Files where you are looking to add Baterr 4, FM8, Massive and VIP as well as several other VST/Plugins - And one by one just go through and add each plugins VST folder withing that product and should be good - You'll have a half dozen paths showing when you are done on the screen Greg showed...  Then Click Apply and close out and Quit Studio One and then Fire it back up and it should find them.   BUT before Rebooting the software - Click on the  Reset Black List Button and make sure the box for Scan at Start up is check too before the Reboot of the Studio One...  Good Luck...