Questions & Answers

Why am I not getting audio from my CS18 inputs to the RM mixer

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asked Jun 29, 2017 in StudioLive CS18Ai by jspring (10,770 points)
I have my CS18 connected to my RM mixer through an AVB switch, control works, and I even hear audio from the RM when I listen to the RM's Main Mix at the CS18 headphone out, but only when it's analog audio input on the RM to channels 1-32.

I have audio input to the CS18's Line In 3/4 but I'm not able to hear it on the RM mixer. I've tried Mic/Line 1 and 2 as well and I don't hear anything on the RM. Why?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 29, 2017 by jspring (10,770 points)
Best answer

By default, CS18AI audio is routed as follows to a StudioLive RM mixer:

Mic/Line input 1/TB is assigned as the source for the StudioLive RM mixer Talkback. It will also be available as the network source for Channel 31 of the RM mixer. 

Mic/Line input 2 is unassigned by default but will be available as the network source for Channel 32 of the RM mixer. 

Line inputs 3 and 4 are assigned as the network source for the stereo Digital Return input of the RM mixer.

NOTE: in order to hear input to the CS18 on any of these RM channels, they must have their Input Source set to Network. Channel 31 and 32 are set to Analog by default (or Firewire on an RM16), and the Dig Ret channel is set to Firewire by default.

asked Jul 3, 2017 in StudioLive CS18Ai by JC Goodson (250 points) CS18ai / RM32ai Talkback