Questions & Answers

are the rack ears for the Studiolive 16.0.2 the same as the ones for the 16.4.2??

0 votes
asked Nov 3, 2015 in Classic Mixers by m_tennant2002 (150 points)
are the rack ears for the Studiolive 16.0.2 the same as the ones for the 16.4.2?? as i dont have any for my 16.4.2 but may have them for the 16.0.2!? If not, where can I buy them in the UK?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 3, 2015 by jspring (10,770 points)
Best answer
No, they're not. The 16.0.2 is a good bit narrower than the 16.4.2

I would contact any PreSonus dealer in the UK and they should be able to order them for you, or contact the UK distributor: