Questions & Answers

Additional Effects?

+2 votes
asked Sep 21, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by johnpark5 (250 points)
Is it possible to load additional effects, like Chorus or Flange, to StudioLive Series III mixer?  Or, are we stuck with 4 Reverbs and 3 Delays which came with it?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 23, 2017 by johnpark5 (250 points)
Best answer
Well, I am answering my own question.  Haha.

Let me make an apology first - I did not know there is a separate board for user discussion forum than this Q&A (I thought this was such forum), so when I read all 100+ questions here (for StudioLIve Series iii) and found no questions or answers regarding additional effects, I went ahead and posted this question.

Yesterday I logged on to the user forum (thinking that was this Q&A board and wondering why user interface has changed over night), and I found that my posting was disappeared.  Well, it wasn't.  Now I know that I posted this question here, not there.

After the realization, I searched the user forum for this topic, and sure enough there already was a similar question asked and answered:

In summary, there is no additional effects which we can load to the mixer, but there will be some in the future.  I am definitely looking forward to it!

Thank you!