Questions & Answers

Plugging a headphone amplifier into Quantum, how do I route?

+2 votes
asked Nov 28, 2017 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by ginoguarnere (640 points)
Hello!  I have purchased a Quantum interface which I use with the latest version of Studio One 3.  I am successfully able to setup cue mixes within Studio One and route them to the headphones that plugin to the Quantum directly.  I am also adding an ART Headamp 6 Pro to my rack and would like to make sure the Quantum can send headphone mixes to the additional headphones I'll be plugging into the ART unit.  I looked at the Quantum manual and it's clear how to plug the ART Headamp into the Quantum, so my question may be more about the actual routing of the signal to the headphones plugged into the dedicated preamp.  Can I/How do I send one of my pre-configured (in Studio One) cue mixes to the various headphones that are plugged into the ART Headamp?  Wondering it this is configured in the DAW, Universal Control, or some combination of both...

Thank you!  Loving Presonus software and hardware!


11 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2017 by brockstallworth (3,120 points)
selected Nov 29, 2017 by ginoguarnere
Best answer apologies I read the question wrong.........I am looking at the headamp pics now and it's easy. Let me see if this is what you really want to do

1. You already routed the line outputs from studio one 3

2. What LINE OUTPUT 1-8 from the quantum you will use for the headamp BALANCED INPUTS or the STEREO AUX INPUTS 1-6?

3. You have enough line outs on the quantum to do what you want for mono mixing.

4. You can route whatever mono line out to the headphones. I think this is what you are really asking and this is what I would do.

5. OOOOOOORRRR you can have the quantum LINE OUT 1-2 for the HEADAMP BALANCED INPUTS then have the other 6 LINE OUTS FROM THE QUANTUM INTO THE HEADAMP 1-6 STEREO AUX INPUTS BUT ITS GONNA BE MONO since its a single channel.
0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2017 by brockstallworth (3,120 points)

Forward to 5:57 from there you will be on a smooth road.

+1 vote
answered Nov 29, 2017 by ginoguarnere (640 points)
I watched that definitely covers the basics, but my question goes beyond basic setup, so no help there...I'll play around with the ART Headamp a little and then report back...thank you.
0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2017 by ginoguarnere (640 points)

My answers below :-)

1. You already routed the line outputs from studio one 3 CORRECT

2. What LINE OUTPUT 1-8 from the quantum you will use for the headamp BALANCED INPUTS or the STEREO AUX INPUTS 1-6?

I was planning on taking 2 balanced TRS cables OUT of the Quantum (outputs 1 and 2) and plugging them INTO the balanced MAIN inputs (Left and Right) on the back of the ART Headamp. 

Question:  If I just STOP THERE, and do nothing else, do I have any routing options?   Meaning, if I only do what I stated above, can I route cue mixes to headphones on the ART?  That's pretty much what I'm trying to achieve.  (6 headphones plugged in, and I can send a cue mix to each person based on how many cue mixes I've created in Studio One)

3. You have enough line outs on the quantum to do what you want for mono mixing.

As you saw on the back of the ART Headamp, there are 6 channels in the back as well as 6 auxs.  Do I need to take further outputs from the Quantum and plug them into the inputs of the ART to achieve what I'm trying to achieve?  This is what it looks like you are suggesting in your bullet point #5 below...

4. You can route whatever mono line out to the headphones. I think this is what you are really asking and this is what I would do.

5. OOOOOOORRRR you can have the quantum LINE OUT 1-2 for the HEADAMP BALANCED INPUTS then have the other 6 LINE OUTS FROM THE QUANTUM INTO THE HEADAMP 1-6 STEREO AUX INPUTS BUT ITS GONNA BE MONO since its a single channel.

Thank you.  Let me know thoughts and I greatly appreciate your assistance!


0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2017 by brockstallworth (3,120 points)
I just read the manual and YES YOU CAN.....I am looking at the diagram and you can do it. On page 11 of the manual, this is what you want to achieve.
+1 vote
answered Nov 29, 2017 by ginoguarnere (640 points)
Thank you very kindly!  I think I'm on my way!  Appreciate the help greatly!
0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2017 by ginoguarnere (640 points)
Hey Brock,

Thanks for all your help so far.  Here's where I am:

I racked the ART Headamp and took 2 balanced outs from the Quantum and plugged them into the 2 balanced "in" jacks on the ART.  Right out of the gate, I can hear my cue mix (but ONLY my cue mix, and only ONE cue mix) on any headphone input I choose to engage.  What I can't do is determine what mix in particular I want to route to Headphone 1, 2, 3, 4,'s all the same.

I'm currently occupying one of my Quantum outputs (output 1) with an Avantone Mix Cube for an additional monitoring setup, so I have 7 left...

Based on the diagram on page 11 of the ART manual you referenced, would I simply use 6 additional outputs from the Quantum and plug those into the corresponding "Aux" channels on the ART to get more flexibility on what gets routed to what headphone?  That's my goal.

Thank you once again!

0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2017 by brockstallworth (3,120 points)
Yes, just unplug the main cue mix and just use the 6 you have plugged in.
0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2017 by ginoguarnere (640 points)
Not sure I understand...You mean I don't need the current cabling from the Quantum to the ART at all? (2 balanced outs from the Quantum and plugged them into the 2 balanced "in" jacks on the ART)
0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2017 by brockstallworth (3,120 points)
Exactly, since you will hear the main mix and just the main mix.
0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2017 by ginoguarnere (640 points)
Hey Brock,

I left the balanced TRS cables in the back of the Quantum, still plugged into outputs 3 and 4.  I unplugged the other end of the cables from the balanced "inputs" of the ART Headamp and plugged them into the Auxillary channels 3 and 4...the entire ART unit goes dark once I do that, no signal whatsever, which makes sense, since there are no longer any cables plugged into the main inputs of the, I'm thinking I need to leave the cables plugged into the "mains" on the ART...I'm wondering, however, if I can just use a couple of balanced cords to come out of each output on the Quantum and plug the other end into the Aux?

Remember, my goal here is to be able to provide different cue mixes from Studio One and route them to any of the different headphone channels on the ART...

Getting closer, I think!
