Questions & Answers

Where can I download a copy of Studio One Artist that came free with my Audiobox USB?

0 votes
asked Jun 6, 2018 in Studio One 2 by lesmorton (160 points)
I recently bought a used Audiobox USB.  The previous owner couldn't find the CD that came with the device that included the Studio One Artist software.  He has de-registered the software so that I can download and install it - I have now registered the device but am not being offered the software to download.  Where can I download it?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 7, 2018 by donaldfincher (660 points)
As an Audiobox owner myself, I can tell you that I have the Audiobox listed in my account under Hardware. From there, I have a link to download the software. I also have the software listed in my Software section.

I'm guessing you would need an account. Then Presonus would have to add the Audiobox to your hardware list.
0 votes
answered Jun 8, 2018 by lesmorton (160 points)
Thanks for your reply, however I have registered with Presonus, and I have registered the Audiobox, and although I can see the hardware I am offered nothing in the way of software other than drivers.  Studio One certainly isn't offered.
+1 vote
answered Jul 9, 2019 by joshg5 (220 points)
I bought my audiobox new, not used, but I also didn't see a way to download Studio One when I registered the product. The way I fixed it was by deregistering it and reregistering it with the correct date. Check to see if the date you registered it with is correct.