Questions & Answers

Why does the Notion 6 freezes / crashes when I go to File>Preferences, Audio and press the “choose” button?

0 votes
asked Nov 18, 2018 in Notion by jollyjohnsonton (120 points)
I installed Notion 6 under Windows 10, 64 Bit on  THINK PAD Yoga 14. I reinstalled the software to solve the problem but that didn't help, unfortunately. I already wrote to presonus-support. Dear Notion community - what else can I do?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2019 by ChrisS23 (13,770 points)
Two quick things to try - first please update to Notion 6.5 and see if the issue continues. If not try running Notion as Administrator (Program Files>Notion right click, Run as Administrator). If you already have a ticket in with PreSonus, then please continue talking to us and we can see if we can help you further.