Questions & Answers

FaderPort v2 or FaderPort Classic for Cubase Pro 10/Mac

0 votes
asked Feb 13, 2019 in FaderPort 2018 by carlmichaelengvall (150 points)

I am interested in a small, single fader FaderPort. Either then FaderPort v2 (FaderPort 2018) or FadePort Classic. I am using Cubase Pro 10 and it seems like the old FP Classic works better with Cubase than the new v2 (2018). Is that true? I rather buy the new one, but if the old one works better with Cubase then the new one, I will of course go for the old one. The price difference doesn’t matter to me. I just want the best alternative of the two. I am nto interested in any fo the bigger models.. 

Thanks in advance. 

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered May 16, 2019 by nickmaggio (26,660 points)
Best answer
I would recommend the FP2. Just because it has a specific mode for Cubase.

since it is a new model, it will have more complete control over 3rd party DAWs.
0 votes
answered Mar 21, 2020 by alainthiry (150 points)
the v2 dont permit to change bank in mixer. Classic can, so it is better for cubase.