Questions & Answers

Faderport 16 Sends & Pan not working correctly after Firmware v3.10

0 votes
asked Apr 18, 2019 in FaderPort 16 by panagiotistsekouras (190 points)
I've recently updated the firmware of my Faderport 16 to version 3.10. I'm using Cubase 9.5 and since the update the Sends and Pan modes as well as the Pan/Param knob stopped working alltogether (they were working perfectly before), Is there any known solution to this and if not, is there any way to revert back to firmware v2?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 10, 2019 by panagiotistsekouras (190 points)
selected Jun 12, 2019 by nickmaggio
Best answer
Well, to save you from an endless streak of communication with the technical support, where they're unable to recreate the problem and just propose the obvious (uninstalling and reinstalling the Faderport, the firmware etc.) , I want to tell you that I finally had to uninstall Universal Control 3, and reinstall UC 2.8. That enabled me to flash the Faderport from its factory default to firmware 2.02, which in my system works as it was intended. Hope this helps and our problem gets sorted out in some future update...
0 votes
answered May 10, 2019 by martijnbeekers1 (350 points)
I just updated too and I'm really screwed here. Sends are definitley not working. The light doesn't even come on. Channel banking and panning also not working anymore. What a mess. Nuendo 7, 8 and 10.
0 votes
answered May 12, 2019 by martijnbeekers1 (350 points)
I rest the Faderport to factory default using the Faderport, not the UC software. It reset itself to v2.00 and everything works fine again. Phew, glad we got this sorted!