Questions & Answers

Changing midi to wave

0 votes
asked May 11, 2019 in Studio One 4 by patriciaadams1 (320 points)
I've finished song, about 6 tracks all plugins. I'm going to it to a studio to get it mixed down and add vocals and drums at the studio. The engineer will move the song to his Pro Tools but he said when I change the midi to wave to make sure each track must start at zero and continue to end. Whether the instrument on a track drops out or not, each wave track must start at zero and continue the wave track to the end of song. I don't know how to do this. I can stretch every track to meet where instrument drops out and comes back in, stretch each one to zero and stretch each one to the end but not sure if this is what he means. Anybody can help me know how to comply with what he's asking? Thanks ahead.


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered May 13, 2019 by dinusharajapaksha (160 points)
Select all your tracks and hit ctrl+G/ CMD+G I think. If it doesn't work, go to keyboard shortcuts and search for merge events. Check that shortcut and perform the above task.

Then export your project as stems.
asked May 13, 2019 in Studio One 4 by patriciaadams1 (320 points) Thank you so much.