Questions & Answers

How to bounce the mixed sound that I created on Studio live 32sx on it's DAW mode to a protools session ?

0 votes
asked Nov 2, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by samarroy (150 points)
Hi there!

I am using studio live 32sx question is that, when I am mixing my music on that board using its reverb and others plugins with my DAW ProTools, I cannot route the final mixing signal on the  DAW to print it out as a final mix down audio! Can anybody help me out please? Regards in advance ….

1 Answer

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answered Nov 2, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,310 points)
The SL 32SX is sending its Main L/R via US 39+40 to the DAW, so you need to create a stereo track in your DAW, route USB 39+40 to it as input and record your mix. At least this is the way it's done in Studio One. The song templates already supply a stereo track for Main L/R, but the routing needs to be adjusted. By default Main L/R in Studio One is assigned to USB 37+38.