Questions & Answers

Quantum 4848 Leds flashing randomly ???

0 votes
asked Nov 4, 2019 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by michaelstram (630 points)
Sometimes my Quantum 4848 , slaved to my quantum, the less will flash , it looks like a demo mode or something? is it a bad flaw or just a thing to work with?

the unit works otherwise

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 11, 2019 by scottstout (140 points)
I'm sorry that this is not an answer to your question concerning the LED's on your 4848, but rather a question to you that I'm hoping you can help me with about the 4848 since you own one. Your the only person I've run across that has one, and for that reason I'm very hesitant to get one. Usually when a new product comes out that can affordably change the way you record & mix, & if it's everything it's cracked up to be, within a very short period of time videos pop up one after another praising it or condemning it. Neither has been the case with the 4848. Presonus hasn't really even pushed it that much in my opinion. Anyway, I'm hoping you can shed some light. I obviously don't know how you use your 4848 but I want to use my analog board and some other analog hardware that I have for "On the way in" or the "Front end" if you prefer. In other words, more "Old school" approach to recording. Once in my DAW, I'm perfectly fine to stay 80 to 85% "In the box" to mix. I currently have the Presonus 192 & DP-88 but want to upgrade to a more analog compatible front end. Now that I've given you a very brief description on what I'm wanting to do, would you recommend the 4848? What don't you like about it etc....? Any help & advise you can provide is greatly appreciated. Also, if you are so gracious to respond, please do so to this email. [email protected]  I really don't use the other anymore. Thank you so much for your time.