Questions & Answers

in presonus studio one 4.6 when I add another instrument track both instuments play together

0 votes
asked Jun 16, 2020 in Studio One 4 by stewartgrant (200 points)
I am using iMac 10.14.6 and Studio One 4.6.2 and am unable to add an instrument track in a song as the two individual tracks then play together eg a pad from Presence and a piano from Arturia - will sound very nice together but I want to hear the individual sounds on the individual tracks before recording - I recently watched one of Gregor's videos about layering multi instruments and wonder whether I have /have not ticked a box or done something since which is upsetting the tracks - I use a Yamaha PSR -E413 keyboard..could it originate here, if so can it be is very frustrating..thanks for your time.

1 Answer

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answered Jun 17, 2020 by cdricblanqui (7,530 points)

That's because the input channel is the same. You have to deselect your external input device on the input channel for the instrument you don't want to hear (on the instument plugin)
