Questions & Answers

Sphere and Studio One 5 free Upgrade

+1 vote
asked Jul 8, 2020 in Studio One 5 by claudiobisegni (480 points)
HI I have received a mail with an offer to use sphere for four month but I don't know hot to get it, and I have purchased the studio 1810c interface and I don't see the studio one 5 upgrade in my software section. How I can resolved the problem? I try to open ticket in the page but I receive an error so i post it here.

thanks in advance to all

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 8, 2020 by claudiobisegni (480 points)
Thank you, I have resolved but now I have another problem, I forgot to charge my credit card when I try to redeem and payment failed, now has expired my redeem code... now understand why persons is not so sponsored. The have good hardwire but as software policy and portal are very bad, and I have discovered that studio one artist given with audio interface is not eligible for grace period, and this for me is a negative point because in the audio interface page this is not mentioned....