Questions & Answers

If I upgrade from Studio One 4 Artist to Studio One 5 can I still use 4?

+1 vote
asked Jul 13, 2020 in Studio One 5 by robfoster (130 points)
I have 2 Macs, one which can support Studio One 5 and an older one which can't be upgraded past Studio One 4. If I upgrade my license to Studio One 5, will I still be able to use (and if necessary reinstall) 4 on the older Mac? Thanks for your help!

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 13, 2020 by (290 points)
I cant see why not, i have just installed v5 on my laptop which still has v4 on it and compleatly usable word of warning though the v5 installation did not bring all of the Ampire amps cabs etc with it also if you save a song from v4 on v5 you can no longer play or edit it on v4 so make sure everything you expect to be there is there first!!!
0 votes
answered Jul 14, 2020 by gregorywendfeldt (1,000 points)
I upgraded and now I have both 4 and 5. You'll have both 4 and 5 and their licenses in your PreSonus account.