Questions & Answers

Loopback Test from Gregor doesn't work

+3 votes
asked Aug 9, 2020 in Studio One 5 by giuseppetria (1,450 points)


I've been trying to replicate Gregor's Loopback Test but so far I've had no luck with it.

I've connected the output to the input of my interface. To be precise, Output 3 to Input 2.
Then, in my I/O Setup, I created a mono input, using Input 2 (and I get the 'used' dot sign to let me know it is being used). For the output then, I created another Mono output using Output 3 (but I don't get the 'used' dot sign here).
I think the problem is right there, but I can't find a solution.

Also, If I do Gregor's exact steps, I re-record the sample in Test Sine and I don't get anything in the recording. It is just silent.

I'm using a focurite 18i20 3rd Gen.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 20, 2020 by treyburchnell (170 points)
I am having this same issue except I am using a Presonus Studio 1810c, Line 5 as my input and Line 3 Output. I followed the tutorial exactly, but when I record the loopback the track is empty. It doesnt pick up anything.
+1 vote
answered Feb 6, 2021 by codyjinkins (160 points)
Sorry this isn’t an answer but I can’t even figure out how to set this up to do the test. I enjoy most of Gregor’s tutorials but this one is confusing to me. From what I can find in the forums I’m not alone either.
0 votes
answered Oct 28, 2021 by tl17 (190 points)
Easiest way is to use headphone output into input. My problem is that the latency is almost always different by few samples.