Questions & Answers

I can't get Melodyne to work with Studio One 5, even though it shows up in my VST folder

+2 votes
asked Sep 2, 2020 in Studio One 4 by camerongallant (140 points)
I recently upgraded to Studio One 5, and it came with Melodyne Essentials 5. I downloaded and installed Melodyne 5, I got the confirmation that it was successfully installed on my computer. However, when I open Studio One, Melodyne does not show up as an option in the sidebar, and when I click on a track and select "edit with Melodyne", it tells me I haven't activated it yet.

My Melodyne installer is located in D:Studio One\Installer [My HP Omen computer has a solidstate drive (C) and a hard drive (D)]

The actual Melodyne program is located in C:Program Files\Celemony\Melodyne 5. I am able to open and use this program separately from Studio One.

The VST plugin path is this: C:Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Celemony\Melodyne

I did previously have an older version of Melodyne on this computer. The VST path existed before I downloaded the new Melodyne 5, so perhaps that path is leading to the older version? However, it is the only VST path I see.

Under Options > Locations > VST plug-ins in the Studio One menu, I have all of these locations (and then some) selected. I do not understand where the miscommunication is. What can I do to make Studio One recognize that I have Melodyne on the computer and that it has already been activated?
related to an answer for: Melodyne 5 Install Issue.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 16, 2021 by eugeniopareo (140 points)
Il mio studio one mi ha cancellato il contenuto delle tracce di alcuni brani che avevo regolarmente salvato, c'è un modo per poter ricuperarli, e come mai è successo questo?
0 votes
answered Jan 19, 2022 by debonair playa (190 points)

Sorry if alerted but I am having the same issue and was wondering if you was able to get this resolved. If so, if you wouldnt mind sharing I would greatly appreciate it.

Kind regards, EB