Questions & Answers

What should i buy

0 votes
asked Sep 25, 2020 in Studio One 5 by danielgonzalez51 (180 points)
Hi, I'm new to this and want to use Studio One, but I have a question if I buy "Studio One Artist", do I need to buy the "Artist Studio One 5 Professional Update - All Versions" in order to use non-native VSTs as waves izotope, etc.
And if I buy "Studio One 5 Professional" I don't need to buy "Studio One Artist and update it with Artist Studio One 5 Professional update. All versions?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 26, 2020 by konradkoch (1,410 points)

Answer to first question: according to this blog Studio One 5 Artist version now supports VST, Rewire and AU plugins, so you don't need to buy anything:

Answer to second question is: no

Best regards,
