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Firestudio Mobile won't connect to new Macbook Pro running El Capitan even after changing out drivers completely.

0 votes
asked Mar 8, 2016 in FireStudio Series by mmakk36 (120 points)
My Firestudio Mobile won't connect to my new Macbook Pro running El Capitan even after changing out my drivers completely and resetting my PRAM. I've downloaded the new universal control (1.7.3) and am routing my firestudio via firewire through a thunderbolt adapter. My firestudio turns on but the light just blinks red and blue, so it's receiving power but not connecting. It doesn't show up on my audio system preferences as an audio out.

Does anyone know why this may be happening? I've tried everything I've found online so far and it's not working.

Thanks so much.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 12, 2016 by codyjholden91 (190 points)
I'm having the SAME PROBLEM. except for I'm on Yosemite. Did you ever find a solution?
0 votes
answered Mar 15, 2016 by bmcleod59 (200 points)
edited Mar 15, 2016 by bmcleod59

I am also having that problem. Posted about it on the PreSonus StudioLive Facebook group. Will launch a ticket if that doesn't get any response.

Got this response:

John Stewart If you have UC Surface at all, make sure that is up to date as well. I've had to remove all Presonus software before I got up and running, even with the new universal control that allows simultaneous operation.

Like · Reply · 9 mins

John Stewart

John Stewart Also, check into app cleaner to make sure everything is being removed when uninstalling the software.

+1 vote
answered Mar 15, 2016 by bmcleod59 (200 points)
0 votes
answered Apr 13, 2016 by codyjholden91 (190 points)
I'm going to try that again today. I guess I didn't get it completely clean last time maybe