Questions & Answers

Why does microphone audio stop working

+1 vote
asked Jan 22, 2021 in AudioBox USB by rogerjones8 (150 points)
Using the Audiobox USB 96 to interface a wireless mic on ch1 and an iPad on channel 2 to a W10, 20H2, 8 gigs, 256 SSD, computer. The iPad audio would drop after 10/12 minutes for 5 to 10 seconds intermittently during the 30 minute broadcast over Zoom. Fixed that by implementing most, except security, in your "optimizing your computer for Audio - Windows 10". No more music dropouts but now the Microphone just quit working about 14 minutes into the broadcast. Never could get it back. After the broadcast, it worked ok again. Before, when the iPad would drop out, the Microphone always keeps going. Any thoughts? Roger J

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Jan 25, 2021 by rogerjones8 (150 points)
Used a hardwire internet connection instead of a wireless connection. Also, turned the wireless off on the laptop. Roger