Questions & Answers

Not setup correctly?

0 votes
asked Jan 23, 2021 in Studio One 5 by shawnthornton2 (140 points)

Hello. I just got Studio One 5 a couple of days ago which came with the AudioBox 96 along with headphones and Mic.. I have watched some youtube videos that were informational but I have my guitar plugged in correctly and i am selecting that amp thing to try and change my guitar sound and nothing.. guitar still says cleaned or i get a couple small effects like delay. but not seeing any real Amp settings and even if i hit record, it nothing records.. 

I am very good with computers but not having any luck with this program..Looking for some insights if anyone has any. Should i do a full uninstall and reinstall? trying to avoid returning everything as it looks like a program that will work for me..

I have a few screen shots below. If anyone has any suggestions. It will be greatly apprecaited! 

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2021 by mauricio79 (520 points)

when  you are sitting infront of  your computer, can you hear your guitar when you play it?  your guitar is connected to your audiobox line 1 i asume?